About the project: 

Europe has traditionally been one of the major destinations of immigration mainly due to its relative economic prosperity and political stability. According to the World Migration report 2020 Europe experienced the second largest growth during 2019, with an increase of 25 million international migrants (5.5 %) of the 448 million people living in the EU-27 were non-EU-27 citizens. Given these figures, migration must be treated as a global issue. That said, the increase in migrants has been evident over time – both numerically and proportionally – and at a slightly faster rate than previously anticipated. Regarding the gender distribution of immigrants to the EU-27 Member States in 2018 women migrated as much as men, almost half (46%) of all international migrants were female.

According to UNFPA, migration is a serious concern for migrant women for different motives: • Migrant women face double discrimination – as women and as migrants. Women can suffer doubly from these attitudes, experiencing not only discrimination based on their migrant status but also based on based on their gender. This can take the form of discrimination and mistreatment – including sexual harassment – in the workplace, while seeking housing, while using public transportation, and while accessing education and health services. • Female migrants face major risks, including sexual exploitation, trafficking and violence. Migrant women are particularly vulnerable to abuse and exploitation, accounting for 71% of trafficking victims, according to a 2018 report by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime. • Migrant women are more likely to face health problems at their destinations. When female migrants reach their intended destinations, they face barriers to health care, especially sexual and reproductive health services. In this context, immigrant women face a possible higher prevalence of serious mental health problems such as affective depression, schizophrenia, stress disorders and anxiety (Fox, Burns, Popvich, & Ilg, 2001). This situation has been aggravated in the last year by the effects of Covid 19 (confinement, social isolation, lack of interpersonal relationships and, ultimately, lack of human contact).

EMMW is a capacity building project  for the purpose of developing and sharing skills for emotional regulation in the frame of migration, reaching both female migrants and social workers, NGOs with the aim of improving the risk situation of migrant women in the adaptation and integration to a different country from that of their origin and, at the end, psychological well-being and better inclusion in the host country. 

The project runs for 28 months starting Feb, 2022 and will have the following activities.

  1. The Kick-off meeting in Cologne, Germany 
  2. Development of 4 toolkits in addressing the issue.
  3. The monitoring meetings in Espoo in Finland and Brussels, Belgium 
  4. Multiplier events in each participating country
  5. The evaluation meeting in Cordoba, Spain 
  6. Train the Trainers program in Athens, Greece and Turkey 

The project involves 6 European NGOs from Germany, Spain, Finland, Belgium, Turkey and Greece.  

The project website:

The project website is created and can be accessed under the link below: https://emmw.eu

Under the project website you can find all the developed tools and more information about the project.


Kick-off meeting EMMW:

On 5th and 6th of April, the kick-off meeting for EMMW took place in Cologne Germany with 9 participants from 6 partner countries. The main objectives of the KoM were the following:

  1. To create more connections and work relationships between the partner organisations.
  2. To introduce the project coordination and management plans including monitoring, quality assurance, dissemination and reporting. 
  3. To set up reliable internal communication structures between partners.
  4. Plan the rest of the activities of the project including the Transnational Meetings, the training for trainers course, development of Project Results, Multiplier Events and dissemination activities. 
  5. Present the action plan to implement the first Project Result. 
  6. Present the project Logo and Website. 

The two days meeting had the following program. 

Day 1: 

09:30 – 9:40 Opening and greetings Migrafrica

09:40 – 9:30 Migrafrica Self-introduction Migrafrica

09:50 – 10:30 Partners introduction All partners

10:30 –10:45 COFFEE BREAK

0:45 -12:30 Project management and coordination:

– Project communication principles

– Project Financial management

– Project Reporting

– Project Management Members from each

partner institution (Steering Committee) Migrafrica

12:30 LUNCH (TBD)

13:30 General overview (Work packages, timeline, results and distribution of tasks)


13:30-14:00 PR1. Self-assessment tool. Introduction, tasks and deadlines


14:00-15:00 Workshop among partners on the topic INDEPCIE and all

15:00 –15:30 COFFEEE BREAK

15:30-15:45 PR2. Theoretical modules PUHU

15:45-16:00 PR3. Digital Toolbox E-School

16:00-16:15 PR4. Toolkit for migrant women WHI

16:15 AOB. Closing first session Migrafrica

19:00? DINNER (TBD)

Day 2:

9:30-10:15 Project Dissemination: Learning for Integration

– Project logo

– Project website

– Project letterhead and PowerPoint Presentation


– Project Dissemination Plan

– Project visibility

– Multiplier Events

10:15-10:45 Quality and evaluation: Migrafrica

– Quality plan

– Reporting

10:45-11:00 – Project meetings: All

(1) Córdoba, Spain. 11/22

(2) Brussels, Belgium. 05/23

(3) Espoo, Finland. 05/24

11:00-11:15 – Training Activity, Karditsa, Greece. 12/23


11:15-11:30 AOB. Timeline. Next steps All

11:30 Closing the meeting All

12:00 LUNCH (TBD)

The next meeting will take place in Córdoba, Spain in November 2022. 


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