The project „RESYPA – Revitalize the spirit of youth participation: Join us!“ involved 318 young people, youth groups and youth organizations and people who work with immigrant young people in our community who need special intervention due to socio-economic risk, early school leaving and unemployment. It also involved the participation of 46 local community youth leaders and leaders linked to youth associations and associations which develop work with the immigrant community and descendants of Africans with German citizenship. The project took place at national level, but with multicultural and intercultural groups and its participants had the opportunity to improve their organizational skills, social competences and their knowledge and attitudes. It was planned to organize youth counselling and advisory meetings on the promotion of the Structured Dialogue, social inclusion, intercultural dialogue, youth participation, active and democratic citizenship.
In this project we increased the awareness of some issues relevant for immigrant youth and the benefits of a dialogue between young immigrant and political decision-makers. This was a unique opportunity to put the development of immigrant youth at the centre of attention of political discourse, which also promotes the European year of development. Through the development of a participatory project, based on the Structured Dialogue, we wanted to give not only visibility to the issues of immigrant youth at local, regional, national and European levels, but also allow these young people to assume a central role in the development of strategies and measures for their own inclusion and full integration in German society.
This project aimed to improve the dialogue between young people in risk situations and young immigrants with few chances with political decision-makers at the local, national and European levels in order to develop strategies and fundamental measures to improve the access to and permanence of African youth Diaspora in the education system, to reduce early school leaving and to improve their access to the labour market. It also created a set of recommendations aimed at minimizing social exclusion and some specific problems in the area of unemployment of early school leavers within the African Diaspora community. It also created a strategic plan that provides better alignment between the African youth Diaspora and their policy-makers, deconstructing stereotypes and preconceived perceptions existing among local politicians and the community of immigrants, and it aimed to bridge the gap in participation of the communities of African youth Diaspora in the Structured Dialogue.
The project allowed the local youth of specific groups to influence the construction of youth policies at national and European level, to empower local youth associations, which have as their target audience African youth Diaspora.
This structured dialogue project was achieved in 3 phases. The first one consisted of the preparation in Cologne in August and September 2015. During the implementation phase (October 2015 to October 2016), regional seminars for consultations and national meeting (15 October) took place, and the last phase comprised the evaluation and dissemination of results (end of October 2016).